Our rules have been updated and given their own forum. Go and look at them! They are nice, and there may be new ones that you didn't know about! Hooray for rules! Hooray for The System! Hooray for Conforming!
Our new Indie Games subforum is now open for business in G&T. Go and check it out, you might land a code for a free game. If you're developing an indie game and want to post about it, follow these directions. If you don't, he'll break your legs! Hahaha! Seriously though.

Rabbit Season! Duck Season! [Chat] Season!



  • thatassemblyguythatassemblyguy Registered User regular
    ok, early morning meeting to talk about advanced automated supply chain management. Gonna have another beer and tequila shot. This will turn out just fine.
  • VanguardVanguard for the Night is Dark and Full of Big Areolas Registered User regular
    Okay everyone I bought poetry

    Time t go to bed
    I'm giving away a free copy of The Burning Wheel rulebook for free RPG Day 2013! Click here for details.
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    drinking 1-2 glasses of wine every night is supposed to be hella good for you though right?
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    Hahahaha holy shit

    Adventure time has hit new levels of what the fuck
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    I have never found the last like, 5 minutes or so of any basketball match enjoyable.

    Its just so much start and stop, clock pausing, fouling nonsense.

    And if you are actually invested in which team wins then it is agonizing.

    Just bad all around.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    nicetoseeyousig omg
  • VanguardVanguard for the Night is Dark and Full of Big Areolas Registered User regular
    drinking 1-2 glasses of wine every night is supposed to be hella good for you though right?

    14 drinks a week is acceptable

    Supposed to lower blood pressure etc

    Have that a night and just get ahead of myself

    Got to stay healthy you know

    I'm giving away a free copy of The Burning Wheel rulebook for free RPG Day 2013! Click here for details.
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Creeping people on a board is weird to me.

    I think I did it when I was younger. But now it seems weird.

    What does that mean in this context?

    I am not even sure anymore. What do creepers do on message boards these days?

    I am not even sure what it means.

    Well I mean, mostly I'm trying to figure out what creeping on a forum member means.

    Like having a crush on a forum member? I've done that. Several times! It's how I got together with my last girlfriend even!

    Doing that without letting them know you have a crush on them?

    Printing out their avatar and pasting its face on a mannequin?

    Cuz I get the sense that "creeping on" sometimes means "being attracted to in a romantic/sexual/crushy manner," and I don't think that's creepy, I think it's normal. What you do with it could be creepy, but. I mean yeah, I do that from time to time.

    Or constantly.

    You know, one of the two.

    My guess it is more who one post towards someone. Like making inappropriate or unwanted statements. That type of thing. Kind of the uncomfortable advances thing just on a board.

    Not so much the liking someone on a board thing.

    Mmm, yeah. Then that is no good.

    If everyone is not comfortable stop.

    But I don't think anyone here has done anything like that recently.

    iwill climb on top of you in the night and settle like a tiny rain cloud.


    pussy climbs on me every night.

    Then gets me all wet.

    It's kinda gross.

    Fucking cat. You're not a dog.

    That was sexy until the final line.

    If you reparse "fucking" differently it can still be sexy.

    I mean if you're a furry.

    Given your low tolerance for creeps, I shan't continue this particular topic of [chat]versation.

    *Tips hat*
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Hahahaha holy shit

    Adventure time has hit new levels of what the fuck

    So behind must catch up. Might do that tomorrow night since Thursday is my night off.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I have never found the last like, 5 minutes or so of any basketball match enjoyable.

    Its just so much start and stop, clock pausing, fouling nonsense.

    And if you are actually invested in which team wins then it is agonizing.

    Just bad all around.

    when it's actually close and fouling isn't an option is the best
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    ps. that video is ten hours long and I am listening to it until i go to bed
  • OrganichuOrganichu Registered User regular
    i want to be good at programming
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    ps. that video is ten hours long and I am listening to it until i go to bed

    i watched it for a minute or so

    picard and riker are the best
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Tony Allen



    Western Conference Finals baby!


    you going to get dunked on

    Nah, not really
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    drinking heavily is so bad for you. and this is speaking as someone who loves drinking heavily

    seems to fuck with every system of your body

    also promotes anxiety the next day
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    ps. that video is ten hours long and I am listening to it until i go to bed

    But it is beardless Riker he is not cooler than everything.
  • BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Gatekeeper of D&D [chat] Toronto, CanadaRegistered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    nicetoseeyousig omg

    That was exhausting.
    Gotta find a new way to encode messages.
    This post almost certainly does not contain a coded message.
    What god created 5:30 A.M. And made me be to work at that time?
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I am watching the Attack on Titan.

    Titan seems like an odd way to translate 巨人 which is pretty much giant. In fact it is the name of the Yankees equivalent in Japan.

    I figure it is to make them unique, kind of different compared to a straight up giant. But it is still an interesting translation.

    titan is more menacing and badass than giant certainly

    Titan is the class of ship I use for galactic genocide

    My last game I didn't get past cruisers. Didn't need to.

    Vulfar, armies of gnats killing everyone!

    I don't think I've played a game yet where I've needed to get past cruisers

    On the other hand it's fun to be able to place a titan in orbit around every planet a race has, declare war and wipe them from the galaxy in one fell swoop.

    Does it take forever? Yes. Does it put my income a couple hundred in the negative? Absolutely.

    But my god is it satisfying

    Summon the remanent mothership. Last time I did it took a couple titans to fight it off. Thing was tough. Also fun to watch my giant ships to get into it with something their size.

    I am almost afraid to keep playing because the more you play the more you face your own ship designs. And the scarier they become.

    Hah, you bring up a slightly worrying point with the ship designs.

    I still haven't gotten past playing on Easy. Initially because when I started I tried a couple of Normal games but couldn't get a handle on the economy before getting wiped out but at this point mostly because I want to play around with all the different races (or more specifically their hulls) before I start actually playing the game.

    However the completio ist in me has been dragging out these games for far too long because oh my go that's a barran ultrarich but I've got terraforming so I'll just colonize it and waste a bunch of time bringing it up to snuff before wait there's another one ok I'll grab that one too etc etc

    Might be painful when I finish off the plant people game, bump it up to Normal and have to face all of my own ship designs D:

    My last game I was on normal. It isn't much harder. You at least face frigates though which is nice. The bigger fleet battles are pretty awesome.

    My first game was just as humans. They were one of my two early neighbors. Being Vulfar which are better at early aggression than teching I attacked early.

    I ran into a fleet of miniguns, my Terran base fighter. They had twice the guns of a normal fight and damn they hurt. My Vulfar outnumbered them though.

    But now I am afraid of facing my bomber fleets. Those things are scary.

    Oh man... if the AI ever gets a hold of any of my planet cleaner designs?

    I'm not sure it'd even be possible to defend myself from them.
    HappylilElf on
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    drinking 1-2 glasses of wine every night is supposed to be hella good for you though right?

    I think it is one of those things that changes every month, if it supposed to be good for you or not. I am not sure if there has been much good study on it. A lot of correlation based research though.

    If you can afford 1-2 glasses of wine every night then there are other reasons why you might be healthy.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    i have the feeling that i should be asleep

    i have a more interesting feeling that i have started another game of thrones episode

    I have a feeling that you should pause and watch this


    I don't know how exactly, but this seems needlessly wasteful.
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    drinking heavily is so bad for you. and this is speaking as someone who loves drinking heavily

    seems to fuck with every system of your body

    also promotes anxiety the next day

    How much is heavily in this preposterous scenario
  • ShivahnShivahn Registered User regular
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    evilbob wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Shivahn wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Creeping people on a board is weird to me.

    I think I did it when I was younger. But now it seems weird.

    What does that mean in this context?

    I am not even sure anymore. What do creepers do on message boards these days?

    I am not even sure what it means.

    Well I mean, mostly I'm trying to figure out what creeping on a forum member means.

    Like having a crush on a forum member? I've done that. Several times! It's how I got together with my last girlfriend even!

    Doing that without letting them know you have a crush on them?

    Printing out their avatar and pasting its face on a mannequin?

    Cuz I get the sense that "creeping on" sometimes means "being attracted to in a romantic/sexual/crushy manner," and I don't think that's creepy, I think it's normal. What you do with it could be creepy, but. I mean yeah, I do that from time to time.

    Or constantly.

    You know, one of the two.

    My guess it is more who one post towards someone. Like making inappropriate or unwanted statements. That type of thing. Kind of the uncomfortable advances thing just on a board.

    Not so much the liking someone on a board thing.

    Mmm, yeah. Then that is no good.

    If everyone is not comfortable stop.

    But I don't think anyone here has done anything like that recently.

    iwill climb on top of you in the night and settle like a tiny rain cloud.


    pussy climbs on me every night.

    Then gets me all wet.

    It's kinda gross.

    Fucking cat. You're not a dog.

    That was sexy until the final line.

    If you reparse "fucking" differently it can still be sexy.

    I mean if you're a furry.

    Given your low tolerance for creeps, I shan't continue this particular topic of [chat]versation.

    *Tips hat*

    Pretty much the only thing I'm intolerant of with respect to creeping is making people uncomfortable with advances towards them!
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    If you watch that video long enough they stop moving, and it is the corridor that moves instead
  • ElldrenElldren Registered User regular
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I have never found the last like, 5 minutes or so of any basketball match enjoyable.

    Its just so much start and stop, clock pausing, fouling nonsense.

    And if you are actually invested in which team wins then it is agonizing.

    Just bad all around.

  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    i want to be good at programming

    Code every day. Find projects you want to work on them and start chipping away.

    And you will become good.
  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    i have the feeling that i should be asleep

    i have a more interesting feeling that i have started another game of thrones episode

    I have a feeling that you should pause and watch this


    I don't know how exactly, but this seems needlessly wasteful.


    it's incredibly efficient

    one track

    one clip

  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    drinking heavily is so bad for you. and this is speaking as someone who loves drinking heavily

    seems to fuck with every system of your body

    also promotes anxiety the next day

    How much is heavily in this preposterous scenario

    please EM the man is clearly not a scientist
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I am watching the Attack on Titan.

    Titan seems like an odd way to translate 巨人 which is pretty much giant. In fact it is the name of the Yankees equivalent in Japan.

    I figure it is to make them unique, kind of different compared to a straight up giant. But it is still an interesting translation.

    titan is more menacing and badass than giant certainly

    Titan is the class of ship I use for galactic genocide

    My last game I didn't get past cruisers. Didn't need to.

    Vulfar, armies of gnats killing everyone!

    I don't think I've played a game yet where I've needed to get past cruisers

    On the other hand it's fun to be able to place a titan in orbit around every planet a race has, declare war and wipe them from the galaxy in one fell swoop.

    Does it take forever? Yes. Does it put my income a couple hundred in the negative? Absolutely.

    But my god is it satisfying

    Summon the remanent mothership. Last time I did it took a couple titans to fight it off. Thing was tough. Also fun to watch my giant ships to get into it with something their size.

    I am almost afraid to keep playing because the more you play the more you face your own ship designs. And the scarier they become.

    Hah, you bring up a slightly worrying point with the ship designs.

    I still haven't gotten past playing on Easy. Initially because when I started I tried a couple of Normal games but couldn't get a handle on the economy before getting wiped out but at this point mostly because I want to play around with all the different races (or more specifically their hulls) before I start actually playing the game.

    However the completio ist in me has been dragging out these games for far too long because oh my go that's a barran ultrarich but I've got terraforming so I'll just colonize it and waste a bunch of time bringing it up to snuff before wait there's another one ok I'll grab that one too etc etc

    Might be painful when I finish off the plant people game, bump it up to Normal and have to face all of my own ship designs D:

    My last game I was on normal. It isn't much harder. You at least face frigates though which is nice. The bigger fleet battles are pretty awesome.

    My first game was just as humans. They were one of my two early neighbors. Being Vulfar which are better at early aggression than teching I attacked early.

    I ran into a fleet of miniguns, my Terran base fighter. They had twice the guns of a normal fight and damn they hurt. My Vulfar outnumbered them though.

    But now I am afraid of facing my bomber fleets. Those things are scary.

    Oh man... if the AI ever gets a hold of any of my planet cleaner designs?

    I'm not sure it'd even be possible to defend myself from them.

    My Vulfar bomber is a corvette and using all base technology.

    It cost 39 production.

    39 production with the Vulfar who are efficient and get cheap ships.

    They can clear early planets in seconds.
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    i would be come a programmer but that won't make me any better at putting boobs on everything in existing games that doesn't have boobs
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    drinking heavily is so bad for you. and this is speaking as someone who loves drinking heavily

    seems to fuck with every system of your body

    also promotes anxiety the next day

    How much is heavily in this preposterous scenario

    i don't know, just more than you should

    like your ability to be a human being is severely impacted the next day. you've essentially poisoned your body so badly it needs 24-48 hours to recover

    it does make a lot of people feel anxious though. that's one of my least favorite parts.
  • Casual EddyCasual Eddy Registered User regular
    Organichu wrote: »
    i want to be good at programming

    ingesting large volumes of my semen makes people great at programming btw
  • MazzyxMazzyx Changing the World Order. Registered User regular
    Q and Picard bounce off each other so well.

  • So It GoesSo It Goes Sip. Sip sip sippy. Dumb whores. Best friends.Registered User regular
    I wish there were future space chairs around so I could mount them like that
  • HappylilElfHappylilElf Registered User regular
    So It Goes wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I have never found the last like, 5 minutes or so of any basketball match enjoyable.

    Its just so much start and stop, clock pausing, fouling nonsense.

    And if you are actually invested in which team wins then it is agonizing.

    Just bad all around.

    when it's actually close and fouling isn't an option is the best


    unfortunately however
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    I drink a glass or three of whiskey every day, pretty much

    I'm pretty sure that's not good
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    From now on I will sit on all chairs like that.

    It is the order of things.
  • bloodyroarxxbloodyroarxx Registered User regular
    Elldren wrote: »
    Elldren wrote: »
    Tony Allen



    Western Conference Finals baby!


    you going to get dunked on

    Nah, not really

    I just wanted to say "get dunked on" to be honest
    Starbucks coffee is civilisation.

    *note: not a coffee drinker normally*
This discussion has been closed.