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Rabbit Season! Duck Season! [Chat] Season!



  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    it's not that hard to just not engage with crazies

    I don't know why chat can't do it
  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    the thing about population issues in growth is that it is completely dominated by industrial takeoff. as long you have some surplus to divert to takeoff - and, in the modern world, you can always borrow this surplus from a country that has already taken off - population has little obvious relation how well you can vault into growth.

    We are drowning in so many possible explanations where population increases takeoff growth through the availability of local markets for industrially-produced consumer goods; certainly the raw regressions tell us nothing.

    it is true that as long growth is principally agricultural, population determines growth. But if you're stuck in this trap, you're screwed already anyway. There are no wealthy countries whose economic output is predominantly agricultural. Even if you have very low population per arable area.

    I watched the vice on Friday that spoke about how China's current Finance ministry is propagating a real estate bubble, and it just kept showing on the vacant McMansions in the ghost cities. Chinas prospects really aren't looking to hot with their current leadership, hopefully Bo has an ace up his sleeve for their sake.

    strong similarities to the 1997 asian financial crisis

    and it should be noted that whilst it was severe, the 97 crisis had essentially no impact on long-term growth

    Apparently China creates construction projects that never sell and adds them into its GDP, and this (according to VICE, so its probably exaggerated a lil bit) to the tune of 5 trillion dollars over the last 30 years

    I don't think it's quite so dire but China will be in for some turmoil if they hit a recession

    it turns out that it's actually rather hard to pour completely useless concrete; malinvestment is not as high as the Austrians would prefer. the world is more Keynesian: even if you added capital really, really badly, the amount of damage to wealth this does is second-order to first-order concerns like "how much capital do you have, and how low is your unemployment"

    I agree, and in the present term this is a huge boon

    The problem this is all a hugely inefficient use of resources and they can't keep up this pace forever, eventually it's going to be need to be replaced by some sustainable economic activity or they're going to have a huge problem

    it is sustainable

    they have a ton of people, who are not in cities, who want to be in cities

    you really think they can have a 10% growth in construction (off the top of my head) every single year forever? Construction can certainly be a big part of their GDP forever, there's no question, it's the rate of growth and percentage of GDP that trouble me
    override367 on
  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    true dat

    rich people have power and influence

    Only in America, I think, they do. Elsewhere in the world the forms of elitism has continued, if hidden behind the veil of equality, unchecked and still continues to do so. Unless of course scandals break out which is then somewhat exposed.

    Only in America.

    And Britain and Europe and China and Australia and the Middle East and Russia and Canada and and and

    Completely disagree about the Middle East where Royalty still shines true and bright and has continued on.

    Aw, I've missed you.

    If you have proof, I'd love to see it.

    How can can you prove a TNC shaped hole in your heart?
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    actually, the middle east is interesting and I don't really know how shit works there

    I mean, I know they've got old-school absolute monarchies, but the royals don't count as "the elite"

    they rule the elite.

    But how do the top positions in business, government and society in those countries work?

    They are occupied by the extended family of the grand poobah.
  • Dunadan019Dunadan019 Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    true dat

    rich people have power and influence

    Only in America, I think, they do. Elsewhere in the world the forms of elitism has continued, if hidden behind the veil of equality, unchecked and still continues to do so. Unless of course scandals break out which is then somewhat exposed.

    Only in America.

    And Britain and Europe and China and Australia and the Middle East and Russia and Canada and and and

    Completely disagree about the Middle East where Royalty still shines true and bright and has continued on.

    if not for oil, these states would be happily irrelevant to world affairs :\

    not true!

    they are also a great source of cheap labor and have other exploitable natural resources! which we would have exploited if we hadn't found oil.
    Mental midgets kill my inner child.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    as a general rule for the world, the power is where the money is, and the money is where the power is
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    If my school had an online "this is your kid's homework" system, I'd have been a straight-A student.

    I think my problem is that I felt cheated - I was never challenged and got A's just by being smart, and was always told that I was smart. I recognized that I could get an A or B with 0 effort, and furthermore that the difference was based on externalities like whether the teacher was having a good day or liked me, so why would I bust my ass to get an A+ when it literally did not matter?

    It's not until I had a conversation the other day with my mom when she admitted that she never strove to be the best in anything that I've really started putting all this together.

    They have adult literacy classes. Do they have programs for learning as an adult to give 110% on things that don't necessarily matter? Because I'm having a quarter-life crises, recognizing the very real potential of peaking at 26 and working $40k/year jobs for the rest of my life, and I'm desperately hungry for help.

    in chat we've talked about this before, I think it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation

    what do you mean by peaking at 26

    I sometimes feel that my propensity to trend toward putting in the minimum effort just to get by will either catch up with me in some big dramatic way (overlook something, get fired, never get another job) or via a slow, inexorable creep through a life of mediocrity.

    hello hi yes

    "it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation"

    hello yes
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • EriktheVikingGamerEriktheVikingGamer Barbara Streisand! Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    offhand remark:

    especially because outside of like, North Korea, most of the poorest nations on earth suck almost directly because of the history of western powers fucking their shit

    this is remarkably hard to prove in the long-term growth regressions

    like, the orthodox argument qua Maddison is that colonization was a net negative for the colonizers. it's merely that wealthy elites in colonizing nations reaped the benefits, whereas consumers and workers and soldiers of those nations paid the costs.

    and if you get into "but you intervened in my politics", you encounter the uncomfortable point of countries that should have been well-set but self-destructed (Africa), or countries that plausibly benefited from Western domination (east asia), which really skew any regressions

    Granted my understanding is thoroughly casual, but if I understand correctly Japan is the poster child for the bolded.
    Youtube channel: SuperVikingGamer
    Current Playthroughs: Neverwinter Closed Beta|Let's Build! Sim City
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    oh my god the episodes write themselves

    He's right, though. Bill Gates, for example, has way more power and political pull than any European duke or count

    Heck David and Charles Koch have more power than some European governments. Goldmann Sachs basically destroyed Greece with what was really some minor (by their standards) book cooking

    Please tell me your understanding of what Goldman Sachs did to Greece.

    This isn't me being pompous/arrogant, I wanna know if the media did a good job of explaining that one because that shit is :ar! :evil: O_o

    basically they hid the extent of Greece's troubles so that they could continue to borrow money that they realistically could not pay back, I have more info but not at my fingertips as I'm focusing attention between command prompts and chat and this is not conducive to research

    fwiw after a couple of years of doing this, greece stopped even trying to cook the books via accounting trickery and outright made up numbers, principally in order to game EU membership criteria
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    I'd let old bill and harry rightfully rule my heir any day

  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Ludious wrote: »
    Kalkino wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    oh my god the episodes write themselves

    He's right, though. Bill Gates, for example, has way more power and political pull than any European duke or count

    I dunno, Duke William of Cambridge, my future sovereign and your rightful king, brother of Prince Harry the Dish who is touring the United States of Lustful Prince Loving States has some theoretical power

    Theoretically, Michael Bay makes movies.

    It is widely known that Baron Michael of Bay is a cad but what to do about Prince Willy? He will king soon!
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • TehSlothTehSloth On that ass like Charmin Registered User regular
    Stupid fish and stupid people who can eat fish

    You know that big clump of plastic swirling around in the ocean? It's slowly breaking down and entering the food chain. Eating fish isn't so great.

    (This is all according to my parents who get their news from Bill Marr and the daily show)

    I dunno that it's really an imminent danger to the food supply but it's pretty not great

  • Caveman PawsCaveman Paws Registered User regular
    I cannot stop laughing at this amazing gif


    Oh my god

    I will never eat in public again!
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    MadCaddy wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    the thing about population issues in growth is that it is completely dominated by industrial takeoff. as long you have some surplus to divert to takeoff - and, in the modern world, you can always borrow this surplus from a country that has already taken off - population has little obvious relation how well you can vault into growth.

    We are drowning in so many possible explanations where population increases takeoff growth through the availability of local markets for industrially-produced consumer goods; certainly the raw regressions tell us nothing.

    it is true that as long growth is principally agricultural, population determines growth. But if you're stuck in this trap, you're screwed already anyway. There are no wealthy countries whose economic output is predominantly agricultural. Even if you have very low population per arable area.

    I watched the vice on Friday that spoke about how China's current Finance ministry is propagating a real estate bubble, and it just kept showing on the vacant McMansions in the ghost cities. Chinas prospects really aren't looking to hot with their current leadership, hopefully Bo has an ace up his sleeve for their sake.

    strong similarities to the 1997 asian financial crisis

    and it should be noted that whilst it was severe, the 97 crisis had essentially no impact on long-term growth

    Apparently China creates construction projects that never sell and adds them into its GDP, and this (according to VICE, so its probably exaggerated a lil bit) to the tune of 5 trillion dollars over the last 30 years

    I don't think it's quite so dire but China will be in for some turmoil if they hit a recession

    it turns out that it's actually rather hard to pour completely useless concrete; malinvestment is not as high as the Austrians would prefer. the world is more Keynesian: even if you added capital really, really badly, the amount of damage to wealth this does is second-order to first-order concerns like "how much capital do you have, and how low is your unemployment"

    I agree, and in the present term this is a huge boon

    The problem this is all a hugely inefficient use of resources and they can't keep up this pace forever, eventually it's going to be need to be replaced by some sustainable economic activity or they're going to have a huge problem

    it is sustainable

    they have a ton of people, who are not in cities, who want to be in cities

    you really think they can have a 10% growth in construction (off the top of my head) every single year forever? Construction can certainly be a big part of their GDP forever, there's no question, it's the rate of growth and percentage of GDP that trouble me

    by this definition of sustainable, no country is sustainable. look at every western country's burst of growth in healthcare/education.
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    none of this discussion makes any godamned sense.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    it's not that hard to just not engage with crazies

    I don't know why chat can't do it

    At least hate lets you feel something.
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    ronya wrote: »
    offhand remark:

    especially because outside of like, North Korea, most of the poorest nations on earth suck almost directly because of the history of western powers fucking their shit

    this is remarkably hard to prove in the long-term growth regressions

    like, the orthodox argument qua Maddison is that colonization was a net negative for the colonizers. it's merely that wealthy elites in colonizing nations reaped the benefits, whereas consumers and workers and soldiers of those nations paid the costs.

    and if you get into "but you intervened in my politics", you encounter the uncomfortable point of countries that should have been well-set but self-destructed (Africa), or countries that plausibly benefited from Western domination (east asia), which really skew any regressions

    Granted my understanding is thoroughly casual, but if I understand correctly Japan is the poster child for the bolded.

    a bit hard to say, due to the japanese imperial period

    the more clear-cut case is post-ww2

    this gives you the asian tigers and asian newly-industrialized countries
    ronya on
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    chat all walking down the street

    some wild-haired guy, reeking of BO and moonshine, comes up and starts yelling about timecube

    chat stops to have a 30 minute argument

    Yeah and this way you are spared the odour. It's win-win.
  • TL DRTL DR Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    If my school had an online "this is your kid's homework" system, I'd have been a straight-A student.

    I think my problem is that I felt cheated - I was never challenged and got A's just by being smart, and was always told that I was smart. I recognized that I could get an A or B with 0 effort, and furthermore that the difference was based on externalities like whether the teacher was having a good day or liked me, so why would I bust my ass to get an A+ when it literally did not matter?

    It's not until I had a conversation the other day with my mom when she admitted that she never strove to be the best in anything that I've really started putting all this together.

    They have adult literacy classes. Do they have programs for learning as an adult to give 110% on things that don't necessarily matter? Because I'm having a quarter-life crises, recognizing the very real potential of peaking at 26 and working $40k/year jobs for the rest of my life, and I'm desperately hungry for help.

    in chat we've talked about this before, I think it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation

    what do you mean by peaking at 26

    I sometimes feel that my propensity to trend toward putting in the minimum effort just to get by will either catch up with me in some big dramatic way (overlook something, get fired, never get another job) or via a slow, inexorable creep through a life of mediocrity.

    hello hi yes

    "it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation"

    hello yes

    yes greetings sir

    "these people are able to overcome the effort issue by ______"

    please and thank you
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    actually, the middle east is interesting and I don't really know how shit works there

    I mean, I know they've got old-school absolute monarchies, but the royals don't count as "the elite"

    they rule the elite.

    But how do the top positions in business, government and society in those countries work?

    They are occupied by the extended family of the grand poobah.

    well there you have it. An "elite" that does not mean "rich". Since just being rich isn't enough to get to the top. It means part of some exclusive elitist group. Incredibly exclusive in this case.
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    chat all walking down the street

    some wild-haired guy, reeking of BO and moonshine, comes up and starts yelling about timecube

    chat stops to have a 30 minute argument

    look man

    without the fear that you might get stabbed by a screwdriver

    there's nothing stopping you from really engaging with crazy
  • Dunadan019Dunadan019 Registered User regular
    chat all walking down the street

    some wild-haired guy, reeking of BO and moonshine, comes up and starts yelling about timecube

    chat stops to have a 30 minute argument

    have you ever argued about timecube?

    its the best arguement.
    Mental midgets kill my inner child.
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    You know what's more annoying than annoying discussions? People commenting on annoying discussions.

    But then you have people commenting on people commenting on annoying discussions.

    My God.

  • Solomaxwell6Solomaxwell6 Registered User regular
    Prince Harry was at Arlington Cemetary last Friday. I pass by there every day on my commute, if I hadn't been in New York I might've bumped into him. Good thing I didn't, I'm a Son of the American Revolution and it's about time the US goes for round three with our old nemesis the British monarchy.

    I told a Brit au pair friend of mine that he was there, and she hopped on the train but he left before she got there.
  • KalkinoKalkino Buttons LondresRegistered User regular
    Thomamelas wrote: »
    Kalkino wrote: »
    Ludious wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    oh my god the episodes write themselves

    He's right, though. Bill Gates, for example, has way more power and political pull than any European duke or count

    I dunno, Duke William of Cambridge, my future sovereign and your rightful king, brother of Prince Harry the Dish who is touring the United States of Lustful Prince Loving States has some theoretical power

    And then we had him be the bottom of a human pyramid.

    USA! USA! USA!

    The prince of lizards will revenge himself
    Freedom for the Northern Isles!
  • Evil MultifariousEvil Multifarious Registered User regular
    I can't actually tell what TNC is arguing for
  • AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    If my school had an online "this is your kid's homework" system, I'd have been a straight-A student.

    I think my problem is that I felt cheated - I was never challenged and got A's just by being smart, and was always told that I was smart. I recognized that I could get an A or B with 0 effort, and furthermore that the difference was based on externalities like whether the teacher was having a good day or liked me, so why would I bust my ass to get an A+ when it literally did not matter?

    It's not until I had a conversation the other day with my mom when she admitted that she never strove to be the best in anything that I've really started putting all this together.

    They have adult literacy classes. Do they have programs for learning as an adult to give 110% on things that don't necessarily matter? Because I'm having a quarter-life crises, recognizing the very real potential of peaking at 26 and working $40k/year jobs for the rest of my life, and I'm desperately hungry for help.

    in chat we've talked about this before, I think it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation

    what do you mean by peaking at 26

    I sometimes feel that my propensity to trend toward putting in the minimum effort just to get by will either catch up with me in some big dramatic way (overlook something, get fired, never get another job) or via a slow, inexorable creep through a life of mediocrity.

    hello hi yes

    "it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation"

    hello yes

    yes greetings sir

    "these people are able to overcome the effort issue by ______"

    please and thank you

  • override367override367 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    I take issue with well off African countries self destructing, when you have a colonial state and abandon it, it is utterly impossible to predict how it would have turned out if you had never subjugated that place in the first place, built up your own culture while treating the natives as second class, and then up and left

    Like, I can't say Rwanda would have been better if it was never a colony, but the way things played out certainly wasn't that great. Likewise how would Liberia have been if America never extracted vast portions of Africa for slave labor and then shipped a bunch back several generations later, uneducated and illiterate? Who knows!

    Need a time machine

    I'll concede that blaming the west for the state of every third world country is overly broad and silly though, we can do it on a case by case basis for some things
    override367 on
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    TL DR wrote: »
    If my school had an online "this is your kid's homework" system, I'd have been a straight-A student.

    I think my problem is that I felt cheated - I was never challenged and got A's just by being smart, and was always told that I was smart. I recognized that I could get an A or B with 0 effort, and furthermore that the difference was based on externalities like whether the teacher was having a good day or liked me, so why would I bust my ass to get an A+ when it literally did not matter?

    It's not until I had a conversation the other day with my mom when she admitted that she never strove to be the best in anything that I've really started putting all this together.

    They have adult literacy classes. Do they have programs for learning as an adult to give 110% on things that don't necessarily matter? Because I'm having a quarter-life crises, recognizing the very real potential of peaking at 26 and working $40k/year jobs for the rest of my life, and I'm desperately hungry for help.

    in chat we've talked about this before, I think it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation

    what do you mean by peaking at 26

    I sometimes feel that my propensity to trend toward putting in the minimum effort just to get by will either catch up with me in some big dramatic way (overlook something, get fired, never get another job) or via a slow, inexorable creep through a life of mediocrity.

    hello hi yes

    "it's a common thing for people with aptitude at school to be told they're smart and then have trouble with the effort part of the equation"

    hello yes

    yes greetings sir

    "these people are able to overcome the effort issue by ______"

    please and thank you

    seeking an area of interest where work is required to be added to the gifts
  • EriktheVikingGamerEriktheVikingGamer Barbara Streisand! Registered User regular
    ronya wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    offhand remark:

    especially because outside of like, North Korea, most of the poorest nations on earth suck almost directly because of the history of western powers fucking their shit

    this is remarkably hard to prove in the long-term growth regressions

    like, the orthodox argument qua Maddison is that colonization was a net negative for the colonizers. it's merely that wealthy elites in colonizing nations reaped the benefits, whereas consumers and workers and soldiers of those nations paid the costs.

    and if you get into "but you intervened in my politics", you encounter the uncomfortable point of countries that should have been well-set but self-destructed (Africa), or countries that plausibly benefited from Western domination (east asia), which really skew any regressions

    Granted my understanding is thoroughly casual, but if I understand correctly Japan is the poster child for the bolded.

    a bit hard to say, due to the japanese imperial period

    the more clear-cut case is post-ww2

    this gives you the asian tigers and asian newly-industrialized countries

    Post-ww2 was the reference point I was working from. (Way too much History Channel, :P )
    Youtube channel: SuperVikingGamer
    Current Playthroughs: Neverwinter Closed Beta|Let's Build! Sim City
  • AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Their ideas are old and their ideas are bad. Risk is our business.Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    actually, the middle east is interesting and I don't really know how shit works there

    I mean, I know they've got old-school absolute monarchies, but the royals don't count as "the elite"

    they rule the elite.

    But how do the top positions in business, government and society in those countries work?

    They are occupied by the extended family of the grand poobah.

    well there you have it. An "elite" that does not mean "rich". Since just being rich isn't enough to get to the top. It means part of some exclusive elitist group. Incredibly exclusive in this case.

    The Elite are The Rich.

    If not for delicious oil money they would not be The Elite.

    I guess he is technically correct, but mostly full of shit?

  • TheNomadicCircleTheNomadicCircle Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    true dat

    rich people have power and influence

    Only in America, I think, they do. Elsewhere in the world the forms of elitism has continued, if hidden behind the veil of equality, unchecked and still continues to do so. Unless of course scandals break out which is then somewhat exposed.

    Only in America.

    And Britain and Europe and China and Australia and the Middle East and Russia and Canada and and and

    Completely disagree about the Middle East where Royalty still shines true and bright and has continued on.

    Aw, I've missed you.

    If you have proof, I'd love to see it.

    Proof of what? Rich people having power all across the world and monarchies being increasingly meaningless?

    May I present to you The World As It Was: May 16 2013.

    I can think of like, Jordan and Saudi Arabia as I guess technically being accurate for your view, but honestly your point is wrong.

    The monied have far more power and influence than any prancing duke might play to.

    I think your mistaking money = power which then becomes money = elitism. Which is wrong.

    Money never equals to elitism, at least the non-American sense of the word, because it isn't about how much you have its about who you are. A peasant cow herder can win the lottery and become a millionare but that will never remove the fact that he and his descendents are nothing but cow herders. Money might allow you to buy things but it will never remove who you are.

    The example of Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah is clear cut in this case. If you didn't know Reza Shah was nothing but a soldiers who aspired to be a Shah. He was entirely not from a bloodline that came from kings and there is currently, at least to my current knowledge, a search going on based on a small factoid that the Pahlavi name that he adopted was bought from someone who was an actual Pahlavi.

    In the Middle East the monied are the true elites and there is no others who can compete with them within their domains, geo-political issues aside, thus people like the Imam of Yemen, the Saudi King or even the Jordan King are the true elites. Not only in the Middle east but you can see it in Morocco and Brunei where the Sultans are one of the most power and true elites in the world.
  • TehSlothTehSloth On that ass like Charmin Registered User regular
    chat all walking down the street

    some wild-haired guy, reeking of BO and moonshine, comes up and starts yelling about timecube

    chat stops to have a 30 minute argument

  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    That's why I'm no good at math. It takes effort. I never had to work at anything in school except math. I just couldn't be arsed to suddenly have to work at something.
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • ronyaronya hmmm over there!Registered User regular
    Dunadan019 wrote: »
    ronya wrote: »
    Casual wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    true dat

    rich people have power and influence

    Only in America, I think, they do. Elsewhere in the world the forms of elitism has continued, if hidden behind the veil of equality, unchecked and still continues to do so. Unless of course scandals break out which is then somewhat exposed.

    Only in America.

    And Britain and Europe and China and Australia and the Middle East and Russia and Canada and and and

    Completely disagree about the Middle East where Royalty still shines true and bright and has continued on.

    if not for oil, these states would be happily irrelevant to world affairs :\

    not true!

    they are also a great source of cheap labor and have other exploitable natural resources! which we would have exploited if we hadn't found oil.

    there are a lot of deserts in the world; for some reason these generally remain poor states
  • Irond WillIrond Will Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    I can't actually tell what TNC is arguing for

    he's just saying that monarchy is awesome

    because he owns some minor title in some anatolian country no one's heard of

    and, like, an ancestral fig orchard or something

    posting on the PA forums is part of noblesse oblige, you see
  • skippydumptruckskippydumptruck FAK U HODGEHEG Registered User regular
    You know what's more annoying than annoying discussions? People commenting on annoying discussions.

    But then you have people commenting on people commenting on annoying discussions.

    My God.


    it's not really that I'm annoyed by this particular instance

    it's moreso, hey there is person x who is really irritating or whatever

    and rather than just ignore x whenever s/he shows up, every time it's like NO HAY YOU ARE WRONG X LET ME TELL YOU
  • LudiousLudious Registered User regular
    Seriously mods? Do we REALLY have to put up with this guy? SKFM got banned from chat why not him
    Google Talk: ludious83 My Blog: The Caustic Geek
  • japanjapan Registered User regular
    Casual wrote: »
    SKFM annoys me the most on this board.

    hes an economic elite who believes property rights trump human rights

    you're a social elite who believes birth rights trump human rights

    the two of you would make a great sitcom together

    I wouldn't call him "elite" in any sense of the word. I'd just call him rich and thats it. To believe that someone is elite needs to have something else. Rich people cannot be classed alongside the dukes and counts of Europe for example.

    true dat

    rich people have power and influence

    Only in America, I think, they do. Elsewhere in the world the forms of elitism has continued, if hidden behind the veil of equality, unchecked and still continues to do so. Unless of course scandals break out which is then somewhat exposed.

    Only in America.

    And Britain and Europe and China and Australia and the Middle East and Russia and Canada and and and

    Completely disagree about the Middle East where Royalty still shines true and bright and has continued on.

    Aw, I've missed you.

    If you have proof, I'd love to see it.

    Proof of what? Rich people having power all across the world and monarchies being increasingly meaningless?

    May I present to you The World As It Was: May 16 2013.

    I can think of like, Jordan and Saudi Arabia as I guess technically being accurate for your view, but honestly your point is wrong.

    The monied have far more power and influence than any prancing duke might play to.

    I think your mistaking money = power which then becomes money = elitism. Which is wrong.

    Money never equals to elitism, at least the non-American sense of the word, because it isn't about how much you have its about who you are. A peasant cow herder can win the lottery and become a millionare but that will never remove the fact that he and his descendents are nothing but cow herders. Money might allow you to buy things but it will never remove who you are.

    The example of Reza Shah and Mohammad Reza Shah is clear cut in this case. If you didn't know Reza Shah was nothing but a soldiers who aspired to be a Shah. He was entirely not from a bloodline that came from kings and there is currently, at least to my current knowledge, a search going on based on a small factoid that the Pahlavi name that he adopted was bought from someone who was an actual Pahlavi.

    In the Middle East the monied are the true elites and there is no others who can compete with them within their domains, geo-political issues aside, thus people like the Imam of Yemen, the Saudi King or even the Jordan King are the true elites. Not only in the Middle east but you can see it in Morocco and Brunei where the Sultans are one of the most power and true elites in the world.

    So, in what sense are they elite, other than that you say that they are?
This discussion has been closed.