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Universal Studio's new film in November: Ender's Game



  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    you have to clear your cookies.
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Buttlord wrote: »
    remember visser three's twin brother that lured yeerks through a yeerk conspiracy theory message board to his house so he could eat them

    was this the one with the chat room transcript

    the chat room transcript that was incredibly hard to read because whoever wrote it had a fundamental misunderstanding as to how those worked
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Buttlord wrote: »
    KalTorak wrote: »
    I grew up reading a lot of Bruce Coville's sci-fi and fantasy (Aliens Ate My Homework, My Teacher is an Alien, Space Brat, The Dragonslayers, Goblins in the Castle, etc.). Really cool stuff, some of it even has a good message.

    Many years later, I met him and told him about it. He was a very nice person, and gave me a small part in an audiobook.

    The end.

    bruce coville is a local and he's really cool and also good friends with my therapist i guess

    goblins in the castle is a great book

    so were all of the Rod Albright books

    those were also some fucked up books for kids

    Seriously, although the Albright books have some kick. ass. sci-fi in them. Alternate dimensions? Non-humanoid aliens? "Do you come from a swamp planet?" A giant tree which is also a psychic school? Main character's consciousness gets shoved into his sentient pet's brain for like, 2 and half books?

    The bad guy's evil plan is to
    make a bomb to break time so it runs in a spiral, centered on the instant when he sets off the bomb and is thus at his happiest?!

    I feel like Coville's stuff is a primer to go on and read adult hard sci-fi.

    Also speaking of fucked up for kids, I should go back and reread the fourth "My teacher is an alien book" - I had a very hazy view of what was going on when I read it, but I remember they go down to evaluate the earth and visit some horrible third world country where people were starving to death and other awful shit was happening?
    KalTorak on
  • wirehead26wirehead26 Registered User regular
    Oh yeah speaking of Sanderson my classmate is trying like mad to get me into the Wheel of Time book series but Holy shit it's like 15 volumes long so fuck no. I'm already trying to get through A Clash of Kings AND The Way of Kings at the same time.
  • Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    I personally am looking forward to the film adaptation of the classic Orson Scott Card novel Ender's Game

    Ender's a villain from Animorphs, right?
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    jake becoming a teacher at the military academy for humans given the ability to morph to serve their governments

    because at 20 jake is literally a burned out war weary veteran who has nothing else he could do with his life

    marco became a movie star
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Buttlord wrote: »
    KalTorak wrote: »
    I grew up reading a lot of Bruce Coville's sci-fi and fantasy (Aliens Ate My Homework, My Teacher is an Alien, Space Brat, The Dragonslayers, Goblins in the Castle, etc.). Really cool stuff, some of it even has a good message.

    Many years later, I met him and told him about it. He was a very nice person, and gave me a small part in an audiobook.

    The end.

    bruce coville is a local and he's really cool and also good friends with my therapist i guess

    goblins in the castle is a great book

    so were all of the Rod Albright books

    those were also some fucked up books for kids

    Seriously, although the Albright books have some kick. ass. sci-fi in them. Alternate dimensions? Non-humanoid aliens? "Do you come from a swamp planet?" A giant tree which is also a psychic school? Main character's consciousness gets shoved into his sentient pet's brain for like, 2 and half books?

    The bad guy's evil plan is to
    make a bomb to break time so it runs in a spiral, centered on the instant when he sets off the bomb and is thus at his happiest?!

    I feel like Coville's stuff is a primer to go on and read adult hard sci-fi.

    Also speaking of fucked up for kids, I should go back and reread the fourth "My teacher is an alien book" - I had a very hazy view of what was going on when I read it, but I remember they go down to evaluate the earth and visit some horrible third world country where people were starving to death and other awful shit was happening?

    yes and they also do that under the pretext of deciding whether earth will join galactic civilization or get exploded

    also rod is only in seymour's body for like

    a book, total

    search for snout and whatever the last one was
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    whoa wait holy shit Tobias is Elfangor's son
    I never actually read the book where this was revealed
  • RT800RT800 Registered User regular
    I personally am looking forward to the film adaptation of the classic Orson Scott Card novel Ender's Game

    Ender's a villain from Animorphs, right?

    He's the guy that kills all the Yeerks.

    All of them.

    That makes him a hero.

  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    true story bruce coville is where i learned that gay people actually existed and also that they weren't strange unfathomable creatures

    thanks Skull of Truth
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    when i read the rod albright books at my middle school library the last one they owned was the one where his brain was put into snout and i thought that was the end of the series

  • Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    I kinda want to read animorphs now
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    whoa wait holy shit Tobias is Elfangor's son
    I never actually read the book where this was revealed

    it's revealed in andalite chronicles

    and it's mentioned a few times in the other side books and at SOME POINT in the series proper
  • Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus The machine is broken. The universe is broken.Registered User regular
    wirehead26 wrote: »
    Oh yeah speaking of Sanderson my classmate is trying like mad to get me into the Wheel of Time book series but Holy shit it's like 15 volumes long so fuck no. I'm already trying to get through A Clash of Kings AND The Way of Kings at the same time.

    do not read any Wheel of Time

    I read eleven books of that crap before I said no more and I wish I'd have done it sooner
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    when i read the rod albright books at my middle school library the last one they owned was the one where his brain was put into snout and i thought that was the end of the series


  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    Antimatter wrote: »
    when i read the rod albright books at my middle school library the last one they owned was the one where his brain was put into snout and i thought that was the end of the series


  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    whoa wait holy shit Tobias is Elfangor's son
    I never actually read the book where this was revealed

    the andalite chronicles

    and then I think he finds out in #23, when they read him elfangor's will that the ellimist let him leave, while visser three is staring at him, all "IS THIS GUY IMPORTANT"

    and then they find his blind amnesiac mom in #47 when the yeerks finally realize they're all humans and locate his blood at one of the many places they've bled and run it through DNA banks and they identify his mom and then jake's parents are controllers and they all live in the hork bajir valley
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    true story bruce coville is where i learned that gay people actually existed and also that they weren't strange unfathomable creatures

    thanks Skull of Truth

    I think that's the only Magic Shop book I didn't read. Unless there were more later. I read the dragon-hatching one, the monster ring one, and the girl with the toad one.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    whoa wait holy shit Tobias is Elfangor's son
    I never actually read the book where this was revealed

    the andalite chronicles

    and then I think he finds out in #23, when they read him elfangor's will that the ellimist let him leave, while visser three is staring at him, all "IS THIS GUY IMPORTANT"

    and then they find his blind amnesiac mom in #47 when the yeerks finally realize they're all humans and locate his blood at one of the many places they've bled and run it through DNA banks and they identify his mom and then jake's parents are controllers and they all live in the hork bajir valley

    that whole last arc starting with the controllers figuring it out and them having to run and hide in the valley



    also tobias's mom has amnesia and doesn't remember him

    so after all this time not knowing his mom he finally finds her and welp

    tobias's whole arc is just depressing as shit

    i like that him and ax are bros in the woods though
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    the ellimist sends tobias back in time so that he can aquire himself and then he has to decide if he wants to permamorph into his old body or stay a hawk and be a part of the fight

    and then in one of the megamorphs book tobias is a really pathetic kid and gets recruited to become a willing controller
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Buttlord wrote: »
    true story bruce coville is where i learned that gay people actually existed and also that they weren't strange unfathomable creatures

    thanks Skull of Truth

    I think that's the only Magic Shop book I didn't read. Unless there were more later. I read the dragon-hatching one, the monster ring one, and the girl with the toad one.

    there was one more after skull of truth that i didn't read

    but jeremy thatcher and monster's ring are both fucking incredible
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    remember when marco was stressed out and turning into half-morphs and was a total liability

    half lobster

    half poodle
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    that one book where it's half jake's great great grandpa in the civil war and half fighting a big battle in the hork bajir valley with a bunch of sci fi nerds on a camping trip was weird

    the dumbest book was the one where it was all DAVID'S BACK and crayak was all 'hey rachel if i give u ultimate power will u kill jake' and she's like HMMMM no and then maybe she kills david??? and the cover was her morphing into angry rachel

    the rachel books ended up kinda dumb a lot of the time, there was the one where she got cut in half as a starfish and she grew back from both halves so there was a coward rachel and an asshole rachel, the one where she was allergic to being a crocodile and vomited a crocodile at jonathan taylor thomas and...hmm
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    whoa wait holy shit Tobias is Elfangor's son
    I never actually read the book where this was revealed

    it's revealed in andalite chronicles

    and it's mentioned a few times in the other side books and at SOME POINT in the series proper

    I did read Andalite Chronicles but I guess I forgot this detail
  • KalTorakKalTorak Registered User regular
    Buttlord wrote: »
    KalTorak wrote: »
    Buttlord wrote: »
    true story bruce coville is where i learned that gay people actually existed and also that they weren't strange unfathomable creatures

    thanks Skull of Truth

    I think that's the only Magic Shop book I didn't read. Unless there were more later. I read the dragon-hatching one, the monster ring one, and the girl with the toad one.

    there was one more after skull of truth that i didn't read

    but jeremy thatcher and monster's ring are both fucking incredible

    I liked those the best, but partly because Jennifer Murdley's Toad is freaking heartbreaking.
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    that one book where it's half jake's great great grandpa in the civil war and half fighting a big battle in the hork bajir valley with a bunch of sci fi nerds on a camping trip was weird

    the dumbest book was the one where it was all DAVID'S BACK and crayak was all 'hey rachel if i give u ultimate power will u kill jake' and she's like HMMMM no and then maybe she kills david??? and the cover was her morphing into angry rachel

    the rachel books ended up kinda dumb a lot of the time, there was the one where she got cut in half as a starfish and she grew back from both halves so there was a coward rachel and an asshole rachel, the one where she was allergic to being a crocodile and vomited a crocodile at jonathan taylor thomas and...hmm

    uh the starfish one ruled also so did rachel morphburping a crocodile
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    remember when they all got hit by an andalite ship in z-space when they were in mosquito morph and they ended up going to the leeran homeworld and they're all psychic fish people and the animorphs save the day by blowing a bunch of shit up and then they end up back home
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    remember when they were in an arctic base and they found visser three's room and he had torture devices from various planets hung up as art

    he had an iron maiden mounted on his wall
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    oh oh remember when they went to a carnival and visser three used his tail to slice off the head of a costumed mascot and there was a person head underneath and visser three freaked the fuck out
  • ButtlordButtlord Fornicus Lord of Bondage and PainRegistered User regular
    Antimatter wrote: »
    remember when they were in an arctic base and they found visser three's room and he had torture devices from various planets hung up as art

    he had an iron maiden mounted on his wall

    the polar bear one ruled

    them all taking turns being fleas riding on the one dude who's a bear
  • KwoaruKwoaru Registered User regular
    the only cassie memory that comes to mind is when she made a deal with a yeerk that was controlling a little girl, cassie permamorphed into a caterpillar and the yeerk let the little girl go at the next feeding time

    and then when she changed into a butterfly her morph timer was reset
  • Moth 13Moth 13 Golurker Registered User regular
    Dichotomy wrote: »
    by this point I'm convinced that you've just been making plot points up for the last three pages
    They have not.

    Oh lord they have not.
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    the one where jake woke up in the future and the yeerks were in charge and cassie was a hardcore guerilla fighter and rachel was captain pike from star trek and tobias was ax and elfangor and the yeerks were going to turn the moon into a sun and marco was the head yeerk and was all "aaaaaaaaaa" and jake had tacos
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Remember when they threw that party and they sent Visser Three out on a beer run but he didn't have any ID and he had to get into some shenanigans

    or the time Marco was on dates with two separate girls at the same time, but one thought he was a seal and the other thought he was an African grey parrot and he had to keep running around and switching between the two
    Grey Ghost on
  • SeriouslySeriously Maarebas Registered User regular

    don't know that didn't happen
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    remember when they found atlantis and it turned out the atlanteans killed and stuffed/preserved people alive who found them and put them on wrecked ships in a museum

    i'm not making any of these up
  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    You guys are making me feel like I had a lesser childhood because I never read these.
  • The Geebs That Is A PonyThe Geebs That Is A Pony Super Moderator, Moderator mod
    when marco and ax turned into mice to invade a girl's birthday party (he wasn't invited because the last time he was there he threw a baby ruth into the pool and said it was poop) and then a giant dust monster came and destroyed the house
  • AntimatterAntimatter I remember touch I need something moreRegistered User regular
    oh man remember the tornado alien in the first megamorphs

    also the time travel story that didnt have dinosaurs when they went to south america
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