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[Diablo 3] Reports of the Economy's death were greatly exaggerated



  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    So if I wanted to buy an affordable set of gear for my WD for when he hits 60, before the 1M>10M thing goes in; what should I aim for?

    Depends on the budget. I would recommend Zuni's set, Thing of the Deep, something with move speed (Lacunis are a good choice) and a nice 1.2 attacks/sec crit damage+socket 1-hander (no elemental damage). If you have the ToTD pickup radius you can get ~10-15k health on globe and avoid having to get life steal on your weapon. I'm pretty sure you can get cheap versions of all those legendaries. For the rest of the slots fill it up with crit chance, crit damage, intelligence and vitality as you see fit. Witching hour is a nice DPS belt but you can replace with a regular belt with int/life%/vit/all res if you don't have enough survivability on the rest of your gear.

    what does the attack speed on the weapon matter for WD? Does it change how fast you can cast or something?

    I think I have about 600 million on me right now and a whole bunch of radiant star gems on various characters I can always dump for quick gold.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    you want a slower weapon, because it consumes less mana per second of attacking, while providing the same dps through other stats (% dmg, flat damage, CD etc)
  • darklite_xdarklite_x I can't find Turner and HoochRegistered User regular
    Started playing again last night. I really like the mob density changes, as well as the other creature comforts like pinging when someone attacks a champ or whatnot, and being able to join Any Quest public games w/ MP levels. They've made a LOT of good improvements to the game. The problem I'm still having though, is there still seems to be nothing that can drop that makes me want to keep playing and trying to obtain. There's still too much crap to weed out. Might put it back on the shelf until they release the itemization patch.
    Steam ID: darklite_x Xbox Gamertag: Darklite 37
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    you want a slower weapon, because it consumes less mana per second of attacking, while providing the same dps through other stats (% dmg, flat damage, CD etc)

    the benefits of IAS depend on build, but entirely true for anything using bears

  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i put up my gear on the RMAH, if it sells it's like selling billions at once :o
  • WydrionWydrion BLBEUEBLA! BLBEUEBLA! Boston, MARegistered User regular
    As someone who hovers between 5 and 10 million gold at all times, everything suddenly costing 10x more without me having a better way to make money seems like the shittiest thing ever.

    I don't know how you guys sell half the shit you do for Blizzbucks. Most of my stuff is 'sorta good' as in 'I could maybe get a couple million for this'.

    I feel like things are worth either 2 billion or they're worth a few million, with everything sold in-between total luck, because as someone stated above, there's no set value for DPS increases after a certain point.

    With my buffs up (when did Battlenet stop calculating our DPS as unbuffed?) I do upwards of 168k, and then I pop archon and go pew pew.

    Any suggestions on what I can buy? I've been looking at Zunimassa's Trail and trying to get a good pair of those, the highest DPS increase I've seen so far on those is ~6400. I'd only be giving up the ability to run face first into doors and have them explode, so that's a definite downside but I think I'll live.

    Other things I'm looking for: An echoing fury that doesn't suck, 5.0+% Lacuni's, Tal's ammy with Crit % (jk I will never afford this). I think my shoulders are better than any possible Vile Ward, and my gloves would just require a metric assload of crafting to upgrade.

    Thoughts, opinions, etc.
  • RoloRolo Registered User regular
    Also rather than invest my money wisely I blew all my money on 0dogs gear. Entire set came up to like ~25m, I've lost 2/3rds of my paper DPS, about 50% of my EHP, but I can now stand in an infinite pool of exploding dogs.

    And really, that's why I bought the game.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013

    maybe i should play zero dawgs too

    my well of souls build is fun but sucks with the new density, and is pretty much being propped up by my gear
    Big Red Tie on
  • mccartmccart Registered User regular
    @Wydrion I'd focus on getting a different weapon, preferably a black damage weapon with critical hit damage, a socket, and lifesteal. Seems like you could also get much better rings for not too much, I think I'd use a normal ring over that hellfire especially after the NV buffs.
    Steam | minecraft: salty_cat | Planetside2: SpareBattery
    gw2: Tom.2439 (Short Giraffe, Saltycat, Saltydog)
  • ZekZek Registered User regular
    Rolo wrote: »

    Zek wrote: »
    Been playing co-op lately but I think I'm going back to singleplayer. The farming was efficient enough but I just don't like the gameplay as much. Your personal contributions are less and it sort of feels like a big disorganized clusterfuck. Not that D2 was any different.

    Need to change up your build for co-op.

    For my Barb there wasn't much to do differently, I just turned on War Cry and hit stuff with my big magical hammer. We did fine but I didn't like that my hits felt weaker, just takes some of the fun out of it.
  • rchanebergrchaneberg Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Hey all, I was getting the itch to play again and was wondering if you could offer your thoughts on this crazy build:

    I don't really know what to do to make this more viable. It sort of works, as long as there are no floor effects, or lag, or too many enemies. It is however rather fun to have my only real method of damage be running up to enemies and exploding and I would like to make this work.
    rchaneberg on
  • bwaniebwanie Registered User regular
    bwanie wrote: »
    can someone clue me in on the price on that helm?

    edit: because i don't see why it's so high...
    it's legacy nats, the 4 piece bonus is very good

    it has a limited supply which is further constrained by the valuable roll on it (crit chance)

    also it looks like someone bought them all up, i only see one for 1b now which has 70 vit. but there is one for 600m on the RMAH that isn't selling, so, yeah

    wasn't sure about the bonus, but if it's a legacy then yeah....
  • ChenChen Registered User regular
    Wydrion wrote: »
    Any suggestions on what I can buy? I've been looking at Zunimassa's Trail and trying to get a good pair of those, the highest DPS increase I've seen so far on those is ~6400. I'd only be giving up the ability to run face first into doors and have them explode, so that's a definite downside but I think I'll live.

    Other things I'm looking for: An echoing fury that doesn't suck, 5.0+% Lacuni's, Tal's ammy with Crit % (jk I will never afford this). I think my shoulders are better than any possible Vile Ward, and my gloves would just require a metric assload of crafting to upgrade.

    Thoughts, opinions, etc.

    The best way to increase your DPS would be to get a 'black' weapon, be it an Echoing Fury or something else. Wands can often be bought for a bargain. Search for one with 750 average damage, critical damage and a socket. As for Echoing Fury, anything with a socket, 150+ int and 1000+ DPS will suffice. Next would be a cheap Zuni Trail. With a black weapon, the DPS increase will be more than 6k, possibly double. Triumvirates are also cheap and will boost your DPS considerably with anything over 220 average damage. Inna's Temperance is a bit more expensive (3+ mil), but that means you can ditch the Lacuni's and get a big Int + 6cc crafted one. If you have the materials, that is a relatively cheap way to boost your DPS. Just have to get lucky and get 5+ cc, which shouldn't take too many crafts.

    Last would be gloves, shoulders, ammy and rings. Hellfire rings you can craft while you're farming. There's probably a weekly PA group or something to take on MP7+ ubers.
  • PriestPriest Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Why do I get the impression that the only people who play this game are those who come with hopes of stacks of Benjamins and walk away with empty wallets?

    Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but after playing this a month at launch, and a week about 3~ months ago, I don't see a reason to play. My Monk languishes in the hellish boredom of cookie-cutter builds and endless lootgrind.
    Priest on
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i don't know why you get that impression

    no one in this thread is like that
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    I've only ever spent the initial $60 for the game a year a ago and still seem to keep coming back to D3 to play in some form week in and week out whether it's playing the AH or MP10 farming or MP8 ubers.

    I actually built my gaming PC a year ago specifically to play D3(and didn't play anything on it other than D3 till Nov of last year) and have been very happy with it and the mileage I've gotten from D3.

    I've got a massive Steam backlog now that continually languishes because I end up jumping into D3 instead of something else.
  • Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    Incindium wrote: »
    I've only ever spent the initial $60 for the game a year a ago and still seem to keep coming back to D3 to play in some form week in and week out whether it's playing the AH or MP10 farming or MP8 ubers.

    I actually built my gaming PC a year ago specifically to play D3(and didn't play anything on it other than D3 till Nov of last year) and have been very happy with it and the mileage I've gotten from D3.

    I've got a massive Steam backlog now that continually languishes because I end up jumping into D3 instead of something else.

    Steam: making gamers into collectors. I think if you don't have a backlog, you're not doing steam right ;) Don't get me started on my backlog!
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    oh my glob, slam dance + paranoia and i was doing 4x million sacrifice crits
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    Thing is I was already a collector... just now I have access to all my games and I don't have tubs full of game packaging stored in my office any more(well other than my nostalgia collection of CRPG's that I couldn't throw out, Dragon Wars anyone?).
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Priest wrote: »
    Why do I get the impression that the only people who play this game are those who come with hopes of stacks of Benjamins and walk away with empty wallets?

    Don't get me wrong, I'd be happy to be proven wrong, but after playing this a month at launch, and a week about 3~ months ago, I don't see a reason to play. My Monk languishes in the hellish boredom of cookie-cutter builds and endless lootgrind.

    I've walked away with a Benjamin. That's after paying for the game, too.

    Sometimes I play because clicking demons is fun.

    Sometimes it's because watching people die hilariously is, predictably, hilarious.

    Sometimes it's to grind a couple hours on a no risk low stakes slot machine, hoping for that BIG MONEY drop.

    Sometimes it's a combination thereof. I find all of these fun. If you don't, then...don't play?

    And cookie cutter builds are only necessary for max efficiency. Otherwise, you can play on inferno with pretty much any build.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    of course, sometimes i die before i can even get sacrifice out. with 1000 AR (with int buffs), and 41k life

    on mp8
    Big Red Tie on
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Yeah I've stubbornly stuck with pretty much the same non standard barb build since hitting lvl 60 with only making changes a couple times to my main skills(Passives have been a bit more fluid). Basically if you can get good enough gear over time you can make any non retarded build work fine.
    Incindium on
  • SavantSavant Registered User regular

    maybe i should play zero dawgs too

    my well of souls build is fun but sucks with the new density, and is pretty much being propped up by my gear

    Well of souls is pretty much the ubers build, at least that's the place where it shines.

    I was looking at zero dogs, but it is still way too expensive to get started, and you can get regular gear that does high mp decently well anyways. Also, they were talking about that change to make legendaries from lower levels drop with item level 63 stats, and you would think that would make it so you could get a lot better and more plentiful homunculouses/homunculii after the itemization patch.

    I had to switch weapons to pick up lifesteal on the bats build to not get splattered so easily, but it is holding up pretty well with that.
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    i'm gonna try out bats now
  • Talus9952Talus9952 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Incindium wrote: »
    Thing is I was already a collector... just now I have access to all my games and I don't have tubs full of game packaging stored in my office any more(well other than my nostalgia collection of CRPG's that I couldn't throw out, Dragon Wars anyone?).

    I agree, but its much more pronounced with steam with all the sales. Like, I have a huge backlog, but I can't stop buying games LOL.
    Talus9952 on
  • Monkey Ball WarriorMonkey Ball Warrior A collection of mediocre hats Redmond, WARegistered User regular
    I play D3 because I like to click on things.
    [47 6F 6F 64 20 4A 6F 62 21 0]
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    These bats are pretty cray

    peak sheet dps is 460k, doing 3m ticks. yowza

    also with a weapon this slow i can use well of souls for single target and it doesn't even affect my mana. also i'm using blood ritual, GI, GF. with only 13 yards total, i am getting all the kills

    jeez, my 0 dog gear sold back in like 10 minutes
    Big Red Tie on
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    Well I spent a lot of gold buying gear for level 60. We'll see how good it is when I get there. 1 level to go.

    It just occurred to me that I should probably work on some gear for my followers; at least the templar.

    Is there a good rule of thumb for getting them gear?
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    yeah uh

    give them cheap stuff with magic find, because nothing else really matters
  • Big Red TieBig Red Tie gem flipping just to get by stack your billions till they get sky highRegistered User regular
    this is what i use
    scoundrel: buriza, star of azkaranth, attack speed, mf, vitality
    enchantress: maximus, mf, vitality
    templar: azurewrath/skycutter/axe of sankis/sun keeper, stormshield, mf, vitality
  • IncindiumIncindium Registered User regular
  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    So if I wanted to buy an affordable set of gear for my WD for when he hits 60, before the 1M>10M thing goes in; what should I aim for?

    Depends on the budget. I would recommend Zuni's set, Thing of the Deep, something with move speed (Lacunis are a good choice) and a nice 1.2 attacks/sec crit damage+socket 1-hander (no elemental damage). If you have the ToTD pickup radius you can get ~10-15k health on globe and avoid having to get life steal on your weapon. I'm pretty sure you can get cheap versions of all those legendaries. For the rest of the slots fill it up with crit chance, crit damage, intelligence and vitality as you see fit. Witching hour is a nice DPS belt but you can replace with a regular belt with int/life%/vit/all res if you don't have enough survivability on the rest of your gear.

    what does the attack speed on the weapon matter for WD? Does it change how fast you can cast or something?

    I think I have about 600 million on me right now and a whole bunch of radiant star gems on various characters I can always dump for quick gold.

    600 million will get you a nice WD. A couple of general gearing tips: Vitality/Life% is going to be cheaper EHP than All Resist. You get a fair amount of resist already from Zuni's and from stacking intelligence. And attack speed is fake DPS as most of the WD's big damage abilities are mana-constrained. (unless you are going with a very specific build to overcome the mana issues)
    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    so just a bunch of blue trash with MF for followers. gotcha.

    I think I might need to reassess some of that gear I bought for 60, I think its lacking a lot of Vit.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Registered User regular
    well I went from 10k dps to 100k dps so...finishing Hell is going to be hilarious.

    I only have about 30k health though. dunno how that is. 830 resists, 50% damage reduction.

    Is there a crit chance cap, or did I just magically hit 50%? 373% damage.

    Do movement speed buffs stack? I have 12% on my boots; but I saw a wrist with 12% too; which seemed odd.
    360.png Galedrid - Steam.gif Galedrid - bnet.gif Galedrid#1367 - WoW.gif Benediction
    Origin.png Galedrid - WiiU.gif Galedrid - 3DS.png 3222-6858-1045
    - FFXI.png Kingshand
  • RandomEngyRandomEngy Registered User regular
    There are very few hard caps in Diablo. Critical hit chance doesn't have one, but movement speed does: at 25%. You have have your 12% on boots and 12% on another item like Lacuni Prowlers to basically hit the cap.

    30k health is a little bit low on Inferno but you can get away with it.
    Profile -> Signature Settings -> Hide signatures always. Then you don't have to read this worthless text anymore.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    so just a bunch of blue trash with MF for followers. gotcha.

    I think I might need to reassess some of that gear I bought for 60, I think its lacking a lot of Vit.

    At lower levels, by which I mean when you are weaker, I feel like you can get a non-trivial bump to DPS from followers (as in, from their DPS). Not worth spending "real money" on, but still possibly worth a small outlay.

    Also, you might look at how the MF/GF rounds. Getting max MF/GF items for each slot on your Templar will cost a bit, but usually you can do -3% (I believe it's a third, right?) and save a ton. So look for 37% instead of 40% on his amulet, for instance. But you should be able to get a decent near-max MF piece in each slot (and stack some GF too) for...like a million? Less? I think I paid well under a million when I did my Templar, and that was for all six slots.
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    Shit, I think the last follower I outfitted (within a percent of the maximum possible MF, I think) cost maybe 100k.
  • mcdermottmcdermott Registered User regular
    Shit, I think the last follower I outfitted (within a percent of the maximum possible MF, I think) cost maybe 100k.

    Yeah, I'd have to look. I think I was actually trying to get him "good" gear...relevant mainstat, some damage/vit buffs, etc. And get him near-max GF/MF. And I think it was well under 1M...I think the most expensive pieces were 100K or less.
  • StingeStinge Registered User regular
    RandomEngy wrote: »
    There are very few hard caps in Diablo. Critical hit chance doesn't have one, but movement speed does: at 25%. You have have your 12% on boots and 12% on another item like Lacuni Prowlers to basically hit the cap.

    30k health is a little bit low on Inferno but you can get away with it.

    35k health WD doing MP5 inferno just fine. I do die occasionally, but usually due to overextending. If I was HC I'd be way different, though.
  • DehumanizedDehumanized Registered User regular
    mcdermott wrote: »
    Shit, I think the last follower I outfitted (within a percent of the maximum possible MF, I think) cost maybe 100k.

    Yeah, I'd have to look. I think I was actually trying to get him "good" gear...relevant mainstat, some damage/vit buffs, etc. And get him near-max GF/MF. And I think it was well under 1M...I think the most expensive pieces were 100K or less.

    Oddly enough, even though it's basically a worthless piece, I've sold some well rolled follower items (librams and whatnot) for up around 10M. Low availability probably helps there, since nobody bothers picking them up.
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