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I Want To Be Sophia Loren When I Grow Up [fashion/beauty]



  • godmodegodmode Registered User regular
    Man, I have a hard enough time getting a regular old tie knotted at the correct length and not too sloppy-looking. Fuck putting more effort into a process that already works.

    Not to mention, you'd need long-as-fuck ties to pull some of those off.
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    good shooooz @Stale
  • StraightziStraightzi Registered User regular
    I've done the Trinity before.

    It's bulky and can be hard to wear, and I don't think I could ever wear it on anything approaching a regular basis.

    But I got hella compliments when I did wear it.

    I'd consider doing it to stand out at a posh party, something like that. I got enough knots for day to day.

    The other two are kinda ugly though.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
  • VivixenneVivixenne Not Mad... Just DisappointedRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    Sorry everybody especially Grey Ghost and Shorty but I think the Eldredge and Trinity knots are really neat.

    Maybe I don't "get" boy clothes. But they look nifty. I would totally strike up a conversation with a dude who tied his tie like that.
    Vivixenne on
  • tynictynic Registered User, ClubPA regular
    Ooh, I think the Cape knot is really funky.

    Trinity is a bit geometrical for me. Screams anal-retent.
  • Blake TBlake T Registered User regular
    Firstly, you are complaining about these knots, but promoting bow ties.

    But I mean it's a detail that nice and different, not actually that garish as I doubt you would notice it on an outfit unless you paid attention to it.
  • cabsycabsy Registered User regular
    Because life is unfair it's a knot I would find really neat on a lady wearing a tie and probably a bit eye-roll inducing on a guy (the eldredge in particular)
  • InfidelInfidel It's not Infidel, it's INNNNNFIDELRegistered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    I've done the Trinity before.

    It's bulky and can be hard to wear, and I don't think I could ever wear it on anything approaching a regular basis.

    But I got hella compliments when I did wear it.

    I'd consider doing it to stand out at a posh party, something like that. I got enough knots for day to day.

    The other two are kinda ugly though.

    Yeah, not feeling the others but the trinity is the one I would try if I wanted to make an effort.
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  • PeenPeen Registered User regular
    I like crazy tie knots, why not? This Merovingian knot right here, that's dumb as hell, but am I going to use it the next time I wear my three piece? Yes, yes I am.
  • bowtiedsealbowtiedseal Registered User regular
    I need to look like a grown up/professional for work today. My prospects aren't good since I slept on my wet hair so it's crazy. And I was scolded recently because someone thought I was a teenager trespassing when I was in the building to run a meeting. I am feeling very blah.
  • MadEddyMadEddy Registered User regular
    Maybe rock a bun? It might help you both look a little older and wrangle your hair.
  • StaleStale Registered User regular
    it's been so long since I've worn a tie, I'm sure it would come back to me, but I'm also POSITIVE I'd spend the first minute or so dumbly looking at my chest and fumbling around.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    wear a ballin jacket

    some womens at my office have cool jackets

    i like them
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    by jacket i mean blazer-y jacket thing
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • UsagiUsagi Got catz in my zone Ca-catz in my zoneRegistered User regular
    I'm simultaneously relieved and disappointed that this event thingy is turning out to be not-black tie

    So no fancy schmancy dress-up, but I do have an excuse to wear my new suit! And much easier to get ready for than an evening wear event
    twit | make stuff | GW2: Arithmetock.3459 | a list of wishes | a post of wishes | svpply
  • World as MythWorld as Myth Registered User regular
    @pooka I can't get the website to load to find you the exact frames (siiiigh chiiiina) but they're from here http://www.80spurple.com/
    Blake T wrote: »
    The most difficult part of dating Kate is deciding which of your friends she is going to kill.
  • ButtersButters Registered User regular
    Oh, man, 80spurple. I haven't been on that site in forever and totally forgot about it!

    Thanks, wams!
    League of Legends: Lamby Cakes | XBox Live: Jon Butters
  • AbracadanielAbracadaniel Greatest Wizard In All of Ooo. Cantrip!Registered User regular
    I am a shlub at work

    t shirt and jeans usually

    sometimes a polo

    I'm the worst
  • AbracadanielAbracadaniel Greatest Wizard In All of Ooo. Cantrip!Registered User regular
    I should get some slacks or something and maybe some nice dress shirts???
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
    Sara Lynn wrote: »

    It's Amy's and my anniversary coming up. I think I'm just going to get her one of every pair of Black Milk leggings there are.
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
    Well it's that or a nice telescope, so...

    Yeah, I'll get the telescope. She can star-gaze naked.
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    Well it's that or a nice telescope, so...

    Yeah, I'll get the telescope. She can star-gaze naked.

    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • chrishallett83chrishallett83 Hi! Registered User regular
  • MrMonroeMrMonroe Registered User regular
    Blake T wrote: »
    so i know gawker is shit but i got a kick out of this one

    Hey, and I appreciate the whole welcome wagon thing, but you can stop telling me that “it’s OK for me to dress comfortable." And that I “don’t have to dress up for anyone around here.” It’s great that “no one in the office is worried"about how I dress. (although you seem to kind of be) I appreciate what you’re trying to do. I’m not mad at you!

    But here’s the mind-blowing thing, dude: I am not dressing up for you or anyone else in this office.

    Guess what? I am dressing this way for myself. I dress this way because I love how I look and, more importantly, how I feel. Period.

    Take a moment and let that shit sink in. I know. It’s hard. It probably goes against all the crap you’ve been force fed to believe about women your whole life. It’s cool. I’ll wait.[...]

    I know that you probably think women do each and everything on their bodies just to lure you men into our web so we can trap them into giving us babies and Niemen-Marcus credit cards, but surprise! I actually don’t think about how you’re going to react or what you think when I am in my ridiculously huge walk-in closet to pick something to wear.

    I wear what I wear because I wear what I like. Period. The end.

    this is something I've kind of battled off and on at my job, since out of the 300 people I work with, maybe four of us give a shit about what we wear (and I'm the only female in said group), and people get that kind of nasty-judgy look on their faces (that "uh, you work at a video game company, who are you trying to impress" look)

    NOT YOU is the answer, but only partially. it gives me a boost when I'm dressed well and I wish I didn't feel self-conscious when I do it

    people just shouldn't care how anybody else lives their lives period end of story forever
    The answer is the same whenever someone asks this.

    I dressed up like this not for you, but for your mother. Because everyone knows she won't put out if you don't put any effort in.

    Then if you are near any other nice dressed person you high five them and make grindy motions.

    hopefully the other well dressed person is not the HR director

    because he might leave you hangin'
  • laughingfuzzballlaughingfuzzball Registered User regular
    Back at school the classroom dress code required a collar and preferred slacks or chinos over jeans.

    I'd have a button-up and khakis and somehow I'd still get asked what I was all dressed up for...

    People are silly. If I want to dress nice I'm gonna dress nice.
  • bowtiedsealbowtiedseal Registered User regular
    @madeddy thanks! I wrangled it into a half back thing. I decided to procrastinate and do my professional stuff tomorrow. Sundress today.
  • Shazkar ShadowstormShazkar Shadowstorm Registered User regular
    I should get some slacks or something and maybe some nice dress shirts???

    dockers had a sale recently on pantz on their website

    have you bought pants from bonobos, they make my bum look good

    if you have not bought things from bonobos you should use my referal cuz i want to buy more things
    | Steam & XBL: Shazkar |
  • SnowbeatSnowbeat Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.Registered User regular
  • JayKaosJayKaos Registered User regular
    I forgot how much I loved that guy's beard.
    http://steamcommunity.com/id/jaykaos This is my steam profile.
  • crwthcrwth Registered User regular
    I should get some slacks or something and maybe some nice dress shirts???

    no dan

    schlub chic
  • BeastehBeasteh RIP BIG CHRIZZLERegistered User regular
    crwth can I drape u over my shoulders
  • ShortyShorty JUDGE BROSEF Registered User regular
    Vivixenne wrote: »
    Sorry everybody especially Grey Ghost and Shorty but I think the Eldredge and Trinity knots are really neat.

    Maybe I don't "get" boy clothes. But they look nifty. I would totally strike up a conversation with a dude who tied his tie like that.

    I'm with oscar wilde on this one

    Best dressed man is the one you didn't even notice
    any major dude will tell you
  • StaleStale Registered User regular
    I should get some slacks or something and maybe some nice dress shirts???

    Trunk Club

  • ShortyShorty JUDGE BROSEF Registered User regular
    basically the most ostentatious tie knot I will use is the plattsburgh

    maybe the christensen if I ever get a decent straight tie
    any major dude will tell you
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